The Passion of the Christ

This depiction of Christ’s crucifixion, drawing from the New Testament, portrays Judas as the catalyst for Jesus’ (Jim Caviezel) downfall by delivering him to the Roman Empire’s chosen authorities. To the anguish of Mary (Maia Morgenstern), his mother, Magdalen (Monica Bellucci), whom he rescued from condemnation, and his followers, Jesus is sentenced to death. He endures torture while carrying a cross to the nearby hill of Calvary, where he is crucified. He ultimately passes away, but not before exhibiting one final act of compassion.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The Four Gospels of the New Testament are retold in an epic manner by Director George Stevens, who consciously avoided gimmicks and instead employed panoramic and evocative backdrops, including the stunning buttes of Utah. The challenging and commendable portrayal of Jesus is performed by Max von Sydow. The film features a remarkable all-star cast, which includes Charlton Heston as John the Baptist, who brings the vast landscape to life. The source material for the film includes The Bible, Fulton Oursler’s “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” and radio scripts by Henry Denker, with Carl Sandburg serving as a Creative Associate.